The beer company Stiegl founded in 1492 just launched a massive media campaign to promote its new product, a pale ale named "Columbus 1492". Yesterday on the road every two billboards were covered with their slogan "Entdecke Columbus 1492". "Die Kampagne versucht den Entdeckergeist zu wecken und bringt einen historischen Vergleich mit Christoph Columbus, der 1492, im Gründungsjahr von Stiegl, Amerika für Europa entdeckte." -

Ad in Votikekirche: "11 commandment: You shall discover a new bier".
What is taught in history here in Austria? A product named after a documented slave trader, colonizer and murderer? Nobody thought of googling "Columbus 1942" to see just by chance what comes up?
The idea of celebrating a "discovery" is at the core of a history that neglects the perspective of those whose colonization and subordination was inaugurated in this event.
More links on Columbus 1492:
Christopher Columbus and the enslavement of the Amerindians in the Caribbean…/christopher-columbus-and-the-ensl…
Columbus True Legacy: Cruelty and Slavery…/columbus-day-a-bad-idea_b_7…
Christopher Columbus and the History of Colonial Destruction. An African Perspective…/5409040
Rethinking Columbus:
Hari Kondabolu on Cristobal Colon:
Published 20 August 2016