A serpentine drawing to convoke certain forms of life, to trace the roots that make me / us.
As an offering to awake communalities.
I draw knowing the evoked forms will only live for nine days.
At the same time following my intentions and letting the corporealities of wood and
carbon graphite, dance and move like rivers on the wall.
Invoking through the drawings serpentine rhythm, memory, myth, subconscious, trauma, survival, song, tone, interconnection, regeneration, seeds and roots, rituals, relationality, porousness, spiritual-political organizing, autohistoria, teachings of the world, ontological justice, rivers, the sounds and vibrations of everything.

The audiovisual work Vital Knowledges (2023) is a mixture of sound and moving image produced in collaboration with plants and other phenomena of life from my neighborhood, as well as from the surroundings of Pachacamac, a pre-colonial ceremonial center south of Lima, Peru. Vital knowledges are the basic knowledges we need to have in order to live: knowledges about interexistence, about food, about reciprocity, about trauma and survival learnings derived from previous extinctions, about the languages of life: vibration, movement, taste, rhythm, sound, color, being actively in the present, and other teachings of the world.
Drawing offering. Video (6 min.)