In Cosmic, Planetary, Communal: Learning from Neighbor Earthbeings, I shared works that were created at an intuitive intersection of ecological, communal, and planetary concerns, where various kinship communities (human and more than human) activate sedimentary layers of life wisdom.
What we feel-think about the beings that we name as nature and how we relate to them is at the core of issues around accumulation. Several works are brought up to dialogue with one another in order to pay attention to these entanglements. Some of my works exhibited include:
====Communal Technologies: Ritual Offering (2022).
====Underground Blossomings (2019-2020). Drawings.
====Movements and languages in which life manifests itself (2022).
====Stories of Endarkment (2021) Video 17 min. With Eliana Otta
====Making meaning with more than human worlds (2020) Video 6 min.
====Learning from plants (2021) Video 3 min.
====Thunderstorms (2020), Flowerings (2019), Master Tree (2019), Dream Mountain (2015).