Imayna Caceres. 'Postcards for Healers', 2020. Digital print. Kunst im Öffentlichem Raum Niederösterreich. Photo: The artist / courtesy of the artist. Original drawing: Colored pencil and pastel on paper. 50 x 70 cm.
How to access artistic practices in the middle of the pandemic? This project consisted of sending postal cards to a group of people that were asked to continue working amidst the pandemic. I chose hospital workers and farmers to highlight two works related to the care of the soil and of the body as necessary for our well-being as a community. I meant to evoke the pandemic as a rupture and ‘awakening’ to our interconnectedness and as aggravation of social and ecological crises, guided by what earth-beings themselves show and teach. ‘Kleine Post’ was curated by public art Lower Austria (Kunst im Öffentlichem Raum Niederösterreich). July 2020.