Condor Puma Serpiente, 2018. I draw portraits of myself and the women of my family along handwritten stories that ground my individual and collective history. I draw my mother and my great grandmother as tissues that compose me. I approach remembering through drawing, as a task of reciprocity and of universal sustainability. Drawing as a memory device against the absence of photos or documents that can tell me the history of my past.
I place an offering below the portraits for which I enlist four grains I knew were important for my mother’s biography: quinua (quinoa), kiwicha (amaranth), lentils, and trigo amarillo (yellow wheat). Grains which I knew she had recollected working the land in the fields of Uchumarca in the Amazonian Andes 3000 meters above sea level. Photos: kunst-dokumentation. 2018.
I place an offering below the portraits for which I enlist four grains I knew were important for my mother’s biography: quinua (quinoa), kiwicha (amaranth), lentils, and trigo amarillo (yellow wheat). Grains which I knew she had recollected working the land in the fields of Uchumarca in the Amazonian Andes 3000 meters above sea level. Photos: kunst-dokumentation. 2018.