A guide to make visible the network of support towards migrants and asylum seekers, by gathering local, political, and cultural spaces. This along testimonies on how to deal with social workers, police harassment or any other forms of institutionalized racism. Places where to sleep, legal and asylum support, governmental institutions, antiracist work organizations, counseling for women, queer spaces, healthcare centers for migrants, political organization, possibilities for mobility, for education, locals and events for children, cultural spaces.
Bleibeführer_in Wien: Guide for refugees and asylum seekers who stay to live in Vienna, September 2012. Initiated by Erinmwionghae Clifford and Hansel Sato. Authors: Naser Abuhelou, Xiao Qin Lin, Nebojsa Mladenovic, Imayna Caceres, Ezgi Erol, Angela Puis, Bankole Seyi, Retha.
First edition: 1000 copies. Second edition: 1500 copies. Thanks to Hansel Sato who invited me to participate.
The guide can be downloaded here and a search by districts can be made here.
The guide can be downloaded here and a search by districts can be made here.