Intervention, please!

The history of a community, the way it imagines itself, the people, ideas and values it wishes to commemorate, crystallizes in the names of the streets, in the monuments and piazzas, in the perennial marks it inscribes in its shared spaces. Austria's involvement in colonialism, (Austro-) fascism and Nazism have produced numerous sites that need to be contested and give way to the demand of: Intervention, please! This is the name of the database for history-political sites, plans and actions, that gathers problematic historical and political manifestations in public space and makes related information available on the Internet. The entries in the database are sorted according to various criteria, such as formation period and type of manifestation, as well as whether the intervention in question has already taken place or is still pending. By the Plattform Geschichtspolitik in 2011 in what used to be the site: